PRODUCT FOCUS: Tracheal Tube Main Insertion Tube

Proterial Cable America High Performance Medical Solutions (PCA-HPMS) is proud to manufacture components that are vital in many life-saving medical devices.  

Extruding the primary element of the pediatric tracheal tube—the main insertion tube, PCA-HPMS understands the importance of the component. The Tracheal Tube is essential in saving the most vulnerable patients, and our PCA-HPMS team knows that means the main insertion tube we extrude needs to be durable, flexible and reliable. 

Read on to find out more about this device and the component PCA-HPMS makes for it. 

What is a Tracheal Tube?

A Tracheal tube or Endotracheal tube (ETT) is a flexible tube placed through the mouth or nose. It can be used to assist with breathing during surgery or to support breathing in people with chest trauma, airway obstruction, or lung disease. 

The ETT is a sterile, single-patient-use medical device. The device offers a broad range of sizes to support all stages of life, from infants to adults. 

What are the parts of the tracheal tube?

ETTs can be one of multiple clinically appropriate tube lengths based on the size of the patient to help avoid unintentional endobronchial intubation, which is when the ETT is put into the left or right bronchus instead of the trachea. 

An ETT is made up of multiple components, including: 

Main Insertion Tube – The primary tube inserted into the patient to assist with breathing.

Magill Curve – The pre-formed curve of an ETT, used to support easier tube insertion.

Hooded Tip – The hooded tip is included in certain ETTs to provide additional protection in the smallest airways. The hooded tip is a rounded, beveled shape that can help make it easier for the tube to pass through the vocal cords, decreasing trauma during intubation. 

Standard Connector – This is the tube used to connect the ETT with respiratory and anesthesia equipment. 

Radiopaque Filament – The filament is embedded within and throughout the length of the tube wall. It is visible on X-ray. 

Centimeter Increment Depth Marks – Anatomically based markings to help more accurately place the ETT. 

Glottic Print Marks – The print marks make it easier to determine optimal placement of the cuff below the vocal cords and above the carina. 

The Importance of the Main Insertion Tube:

The extrusion that PCA-HPMS manufactures is the main tube that is used and inserted into the patient. 

This tube provides stable airflow to the patient during surgery or foreign object obstruction or is used to support breathing or airway protection. 

HPMS Provides Lifesaving Medical Components

PCA-HPMS provides our customers with components made of high-quality materials for a wide variety of crucial medical devices like tracheal tubes. 

Contact our sales team today to learn more about PCA-HPMS and find out how we can help you with your product needs.