Overstock Products

We Made Too Much Cable! If you’d like to purchase overstock product, please contact a sales representative to confirm availability and price by emailing our sales team at nhsales@usa.proterial.com

Footage last updated: 1/21/2025

Minimum Order QTY 1,000ft

  • For reels with less than 1,000-ft remaining, entire reel must be purchased
  • Lead time: 3-business days to ship

Availability is subject to prior sale

  • No items will be reserved (held) without a purchase order
  • All sales must go through PCA distribution network
Product NameCategoryAvailable Qty FTPackagingJacket TypeJacket Color
38653-008 CAT 5e S P BLU 00-N PROCat 5e18,000ReelPlenum -CMPBlue
38696-008 CAT 5e PSUM R BLU 00-N PROCat 5e26,000Reelex BoxPlenum -CMPBlue
38696-008 CAT 5e PSUM R YEL 00-N PROCat 5e12,000Reelex BoxPlenum -CMPYellow
39419-008 CAT 5e PSUM P GRY 00-N PROCat 5e1,000Reelex BoxPlenum -CMPGray
39419-008 CAT 5e PSUM P VIO 00-N PROCat 5e13,000Reelex BoxPlenum -CMPViolet
30277-008 CAT 6 I/O D-BIT P BLK 00-N PROCat 644,000ReelPlenum -CMPBlack
30322-008 CAT 6A I/O D-BIT F/UTPCat 6A65,000ReelPlenum -CMPBlack
30322-008 CAT 6A I/O D-BIT F/UTPCat 6A5,000ReelPlenum -CMPBlack
30287-008 CAT6A S DJ BURIAL BLK 00-N PROCat 6A8,000ReelOutside Plant - OSPBlack
30234-008 CAT 6A 10G S R GRN 00-N PROCat 6A3,000ReelRiser -CMRGreen
30234-008 CAT 6A 10G S R BLUE 00-N PROCat 6A90,000ReelRiser -CMRBlue
30234-008 CAT 6A 10G S R ORANGE 00-N PROCat 6A2,000ReelRiser -CMROrange
30016-008 CAT 6 SUPRA P GRY 00-N PROCat 6 Supra28,000ReelPlenum -CMPGray
30016-008 CAT 6 SUPRA P WHT 00-N PROCat 6 Supra80,000ReelPlenum -CMPWhite
30016-008 CAT 6 SUPRA P GRN 00-N PROCat 6 Supra19,000ReelPlenum -CMPGreen
30016-008 CAT 6 SUPRA P BLUE00-N PROCat 6 Supra63,000ReelPlenum -CMPBlue
38891-008 5E HI-NET 350 P WHT 00-N PROCat 5e Hi-Net 35092,000Reelex BoxPlenum -CMPWhite
38891-008 5E HI-NET 350 P BLU 00-N PROCat 5e Hi-Net 350145,000ReelPlenum -CMPBlue
30022-008 CAT 6 SUPRA R BLU 00-N PROCat 6 Supra 18,000ReelRiser -CMRBlue
30022-008 CAT 6 SUPRA R WHT 00-N PROCat 6 Supra 12,000ReelRiser -CMRWhite
30129-008 CAT 6 S R BLU 00-N PROCat 6 S14,000ReelRiser -CMRBlue
30129-008 CAT 6 S R GRY 00-N PROCat 6 S7,000ReelRiser -CMRGrey
30129-008 CAT 6 S R GRN 00-N PROCat 6 S14,000ReelRiser -CMRGreen
30129-008 CAT 6 S R WHT 00-N PROCat 6 S9,000ReelRiser -CMRWhite
30304-008 CAT6A 10G-XE R GRN 00-N PROCAT6A 10G-XE3,000ReelRiser -CMRGreen
30304-008 CAT6A 10G-XE R WHT 00-N PROCAT6A 10G-XE7,000ReelRiser -CMRWhite
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